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Cornell University Library F 142.G5C98

History of the counties of Gloucester, S

3 1924 008 641 379













^jta:^t,t^3 e. sheppard, esq.


1 18 8 3.


%?■ ft E F A C E.

* -N the preparStion of this Verk every available source of information has been utilized.

Boc 5, pamphlets, and manuscriPM in the libraries at Trenton, Newark, and Philadelphia have bee ( onsulted, records in the departments at Trenton and in the offices of the clerks in the difi 3ut counties have been searched, the files of newspapers have been examined, and informa- tior las been obtained from individuals who had studied the history of different localities.

Acknowledgments are due to the clerks of the counties, and of the boards of freeholders, for acc( to the records in their offices, and to the editors of journals for the use of their files.

Chose who have contributed articles for this work, and whose names appear in connection wit their articles, are Eev. J. Y. Burk, Indians of New Jersey; J. Down Heritage, M.D., Grei igy of Southern New Jersey ; J. Ingram, M.D., Meteorology of Southern New Jersey ; Bel out Perry, Esq., Benoh and Bar of Gloucester County ; Luther F. Halsey, M.D., Medical Pn ission of Gloucestei^^^^ounty; "William Milligan, Gloucester County School System; Wallace Mc eorge, M.D., Glouct-s'^'sr County Bible Society, and Gloucester County Sunday-School Asso- ciai n; Eev. D. Thackara^ Temperance in Gloucester County; Samuel Prior, Meadow Improve- me s in Salem County; William H. Reed, Agriculture in Salem County; Quinton Gibbon, M, ., Medical Profess ■■ n in Salem County ; H. P. Davidson, Temperance in Salem County ;

an( VI. D. Dicki

Many others] W le some erro] wl h, in all th( ! the indulg(

The histor inc jtedness to am Beasley's chi ches in the to' e previous C. llmer, who uns liciied, exti Rol srt B. Pottej con y has been offii rs of soci H. fixon, Esi so ^' llingly fu;




bunty Sunday-School Association.

uted local articles and have freely given valuable information, storians have been corrected, there will doubtless be found others ave eluded the closest vigilance of the compilers of this work : for he critic is asked.

Iknd County, Charles E. Sheppard, desires to acknowledge his

'uTjlications : History of the Medical Men of Cumberland County,

May, and to the authors of the various historical sketches of

ve been published ; and especially to acknowledge his indebtedness

berland County and the other publications of the late Hon. L. Q.

iter immediately after he became engaged upon this work, and,

Amission to use any of his writings, to the fullest extent ; to Mr.

le assistance and extensive information on the local history of the

to the pastors and other members of the various churches, and

J. B. Potter, Col. W. E. Potter, Mr. George F. Nixon, James

lomb, Esq., Dr. Enoch Fithian, and the many others who have

"tion and assisted him in the preparation of the History of Cumber-





Indians of New Jebset.

Their litiTe Condition— The Lenni Lenapes— Their Primitive ConJi, Clmracter, and Habits— Their Belies found in South- ern 1 Jersey 1

CHAPTER ir. Fzb|iscot£bibs and Skttlrments on the Delaware Biveb. Discowhy Hendriclc Hudson— Visit by Lord Delaware— Bx- plorn by Cornells Hendrickson and Cornelis Jacobson Mey Ttf °'^ Company Visit of De Vries 5

CHAPTER III. Swedish B£qime. First aish Settlements Early Swedish Governors- Difficulties wil^ Dutch Conquest of the Swedes Swedish Customs 6

CHAPTER IV. Dutch B^giue. Gomdfe of the Dutch on the Delaware Dutch Governors Poliif the Dutch toward the Swedes Condition under Dutch BuH. 9

CHAPTER V. ; XT Settlements and Final Conquest by the English. Early ims by the English— Eoyal Grants— New Haven Colony- Sir Bund Hoyden's Grant— Trouble with the Dutch- Their Con istby the English 10

CHAPTER VI. English B^gime. lUtrlytadtfion of the People First Proprietary Government— iti^ among the Proprietors Influx of Quakers Diificul- he Governors of New York Extensions of Settlements ier of the Proprietary Government Conflicts with BoyBflemore— French and Indian War 14



Bank 23

I CHAPTEll VIII. EEVojiTioNAEy His";OBY— (OmHnKed). galem aM Cumberland Counties— Affair at Quinton's

Massacre aL^ancock's Bridge..


Eevolutionaby Hi8t;iby— (ConfciweiJ). apna in Gloucester Couui^Near Gloucester- At Egg Ijatetford— At Haddoufleld , 33



)y Gloucester, Salem, and Cumberland Counties 'roops— LieuteiJ|it B. Elmer's Company— State -BevolutionarJSoldiers' Lists 36



War or 1812 and Mexican Wae 62

CHAPTER XII. Gloucesteb, Salem, and Cumbebland Counties in the Wae of the

Bebellton. Part taken by the Counties Three Months' Troops First Brigade, First, Second, Third, and Fourth Begiments Lists of Soldiers... 63


Civil Wae (Coniiimed).

Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Begiments Lists 61


Civil Wae (Continued).

Ninth Begiment Tenth Beglment Lists 67


Civil Wae— (Cton/witwd).

Twelfth Eegiment—Lists 73

CHAPTER XVI. Civil Wae— (CwitftttK'rf.)

First Cavalry, Sixteenth Begiment— Twenty fourth Begiinjtot^ Twenty-flfth Begiment— Lists 80

CHAPTER XVII. Civil Wae (,C<mlinuedj. Twenty.eighth Begiment Second Cavalry, Thirty-second Begi- ment— Lists 8T

CHAPTER XVIII. Civil Wae {Conthmed). Thirty-fourth Begiment Third Cavalry, Thirty-sixth Begiment Lists 91

CHAPTER XIX. Civil Wae— (Cfan/inwe(Q. Thirty-seventh Begiment— Thirty-eighth Begiment Volunteers In other Organizations Lists 94

CHAPTER XX. Sixth Begiment National Guaed, N.J 97

CHAPTER XXI. Bailboads in Southebn New Jeb&ey. West Jersey Bailroad Millville and Glassboro— Salem Cape May and Millville Swedesboro Delaware Eiver New Jersey South- em Cumberland and Maurice Eiver West Jersey and Atlantic City 97

CHAPTER XXII. Geology of Southebn New Jeesey 98

CHAPTER XXIII. Meteoeology of Southern New Jersey 101





Organization— Constitution of the County— Early Administration of Affairs County Recognized— Egg Harbor Annexed Atlantic County Erected— Attempted Removal of County-Seat— Camden County Erected Townships Incorporated— Washington and Monroe Restored Geography and Topography New Townships —Population— Land Titles 105


Eaklt Doings of the County Authorities, Extracts from Court Records First Court Question of Jurisdic- tion— First Tax Early Ferries— Weights and Measures Regu- lated— Foreigners, Yagrants, Servants— First Capital Crime Marriages and Births Miscellaneous Extracts from Records Justices and Freeholders— Sheriffs' Fees— Importation of Pau- pers— Hotel Prices Prescribed— Boundaries Regulated 107



Old King's Highway Action of Court concerning Roads and Bridges— Turnpikes 112

CHAPTER XXVII. Public Buildings. First County Prison Second Prison and First Court-House— Sec- ond Court-House and Jail First Stocks and Whipping-Post Public Buildings Improved Court-House and Jail Burned Location and Erection of Present Court-House Present Jail Clerks* and Surrogates' Oflaces— First Almshouse— Purchase of County Farm and Erection of Present Almshouse 114


Politicians and Soldiers^ and Civil List op Old Glouoesteb... 119


Bench and Bar.

Judges Attorneys—Lists of Judicial Officers 125


Medical Fkofession. Medical Societie8-=-Personal Reminiscences of Physicians 142


Rebellion History of Gloucester County. Action of Freeholders Soldiers' Monument 152

CHAPTER XXXII. Press in Gloucester County 165


Gloucester County School System, Early Schools Growth of School System— History and Present Condition of Schools in Different Localities in the County 156

CHAPTER XXXIV. Beliqioub Associations. Gloucester County Bible Society —Gloucester County Sunday- School Association New Jersey Conference Camp Meeting As- sociation 161


Temperance in Gloucester County. Temperance Societies County Temperance Alliance 164

CHAPTER XXXVI. Miscellaneous Matters. Old Names of Creeks— Trial of Singleton Mercer— Manumission of Slaves Bepaupo Meadow Company— Population 166




* , Jj *^^ °^ WoODBUET. i

Early History^'VlSodbury in the Wars of 177(6 and 1812— W ixd- bury in 1815— pfineer Dwellings— Balcony Hfflifle— InoirpoJ ted asaBorongh-J^aClty— City Offlcere—Fox-iunting Club- Li- brary Company-^Whirligig Society— Secret siietiea Loa/ Ab- sociation Real Estate Mutual Loan AsBOcidion Bailr'wlB- "Hoodbury Academy Churches North Woodbury Seiniuary Industries Green's New Factory Green *B|Plaaing-Mill Stand- ard Window-Glass Works— Woodbury Glasa-WSrks— Ftuit-Oan- ning House— Woodbury in 1883 1 168

CHAPTER XXXVIIB Township of Deptfobd. ' Geographical and Descriptive Pioneer Settlers— Pioneer Eecorda Villages and Hamlets Almoneason Methodist EpiKopal Church of Almonesson Westville Methodist Prottttant Church of Westville Wenonah— Presbyterian Church of We- nonah Methodist Episcopal Church of Wenouah 188

CHAPTER XXXIX. Township op Bast Geeenwich. Geography and Topography Pioneer Settlers and Roads— [jand Titles Civil List Villages and Hamlets Clarksboro Pitneer Land-Owners at Clarksboro Mickleton Berkeley ChnrcieB Eglington Cemetery 201

CHAPTER XL. Township of Fbanklin. Geographical and Descriptive Pioneer Settlements Civil Onan- ization List of OfBcerB Extracts from Records Villages ind Hamlets Societies Churches Industries, Malaga Glass-Mtnii- facturing Company „.„. 213

CHAPTER XLI. Township op Glassboeo. Incorporation Geographical and Descriptive Pioneer Settlemnt Civil List Societies Churches Cemeteries Industies, Whitney Glaes-Works Temperanceville Glass-Works.. 223

CHAPTER XLII. Township of Geeenwich. Geographical and Descriptive Pioneer Diseases Pioneer Custms Stock, Grain, and Fruit, and other Notes of Pioneer Lil— Civil List— Villages and Hamlets— Paulsboro—Gibbstown 11- lingsport— Societies- Churches Methodist Episcopal Cemetry. 233


Township op Haeeibon.

Geographical and Descriptive— Early Settlera— Civil Otganiaajn

—Township OfBcers— Villages and Hamlets— Mullica Hil||«f4!\*"

ferson— Ewansville— Five Points— Harrison in the War 0SI2* ,•; ,

65 Societies Ecclesiastical .'jj...',''"i43

CHAPTER XLIV. Township op Logan. Geography and Topography— Landing-Place of the SweJ tiers- Early Settlers and Pioneer Incidents— Pioneer f Cadwalader's Island— Pioneer Hade and Commerce— Pin —Pioneer Weddings— Sexagenatians—Civil O^anizatioJ Town-Meeting— Villages and Hamlets— Bridgeport^Keimo^ t J, Oh^TchaB j^ .>.-...fc5«62

CHAPTER XLV. Township of Mantda. Geographical and Descriptive— Pi^eer Settlers- First Tol ing— Township Officers- Villages- Mantua— Barnsbf ties— Churches

CHAPTER XLVI. Township op Moneoe. Geographical and Descriptive— Earto Settlers and PioA imji.



i WfKJie- "I

dents— In, Out, and In Gloucester Wunty- Settl8meiit«™.J

rto Si



kum— Civil Organization— Township Offlcera— Villages and Ham- lets — ■Williamstowii Cross-Keys— Brooklyn Ecclesiastical— Cemeteries— Societies— InduBtrieB—Williamatown Glass- Works J. V. Sharp Canning Company 268

CHAPTEK XLVII. Township of South Harsibon. Geographical and Topographical— Civil Organization— Villages— Harriaonville—Fairview— Lincoln— Chnrches 280

CHAPTEK XLVIII. Township of Washington. Geographical and Descriptive Early Settlers and Pioneer Inci- dents-Civil List— Villages and Hamlets— Turners ville—Hurff- ville Churches— Cemeteries 282

CHAPTER XLIX. Township or West Deptford. Descriptive Early Settlers and Pioneer Incidents— Organization First Town -Meeting— Township Officers— Villages and Ham- lets—Bed Bank— Thoroughfare St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church— Drain-Tile and Brick Works 292

CHAPTER L. Township of Woolwich. Geographical Description Topography Roads Soil and Agri- culture— Industries Old Families Old Documents Political and Civil Township Officers Bebelliou History Villages and Hamlets Swedesboro Cootstown Ground-Bents Schools Public School in Swedesboro— Ecclesiaatical Cemeteries Mills Manufactories— Swedesboro National Bank Lodgra and So- cieties 296


Township of Clayton. Erection, Boundary, Population, and Valuation Topography, Soil, and Industries Villages Clayton Union Moore Brothers* Glass- Works Fisler & Morgan Glass- Works Churches Schools —Old Settlers and Families 312


CHAPTER LII. Settlement and Settlers. Early Settlements Settlement by the English— Settlement by the Quakers Pioneer Settlers 316


Political History, Organization, and Subsequent Changes or

Boundaries. Gloucester County Erected— Cape May County Set Off— Cumber- land County Incorporated— Townships— Population— Civil List. 321

CHAPTER LIV. Public Buildings. Coui-t-House Acre Lot^Court-House- Jail— Clerk and Surrogate's Office Almshouse 326

CHAPTER LV. Extracts from Court Eecobds 328

CHAPTER LVI. Early Eoads, Meadow Improvements, Navigation. Navigation on Oldman's Creek— On Alloways Creek— On Stow Greek- On Salem Biver Denn's Canal— Penn's Neck Canal 330


Markets and Fairs, Boundary Question, Fishing Bights.

Trade and Social Condition— Bangers 333


Agriculture in Salem County. page

Marl Early Trade in Agricultural Products Agricultural Statis- tics— Improved Agricultural Implements Stock Baising Fairs —Agricultural Societies Exports 335


Bar of Salem Oountt. Biographical Sketches of Attorneys— Lists of Attorneys Lists of Judges and Justices 342


Medical Profession of Salem County. Biographical Sketches of Physicians List of Besident Physicians.. 353


S^lem County in the Civil War. First Volunteers^ Johnson Guards Home Guards Action of County Authorities 358

CHAPTER LXII. The Press, and Education in Salem County 361


Temperance in Salem County. Temperance Societies Temperance Alliance 363

CHAPTER LXIV. Societies and Corporations. Bible Society— Sunday-School Association Salem County Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farmers* Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Salem County 365

CHAPTER LXV. City op Salem.

Situation and Boundaries Descriptive Settlement and Settlers Organization and Incorporation Early Officers Incorporation of the City ^City Civil List Growth and Population Educa- tional History Salem Library Salem National Banking Com- pany—Salem Board of Trade Merchants Trades— Vessel Building Early Manufactures Tannery Glass Industry Salem Transportation Company Oil-Cloth Works Ice-Cream Manufactory Carriage Making Fruit-Canning and Pickling Foundry White Stone Mills Fire Department and Fire Com- panies— Water Works Physicians Attorneys Beligious His-

. tory Lodges, Societies, and Clubs Lecture Hall Hotels 366

CHAPTER LXVI. Township of Elsinboro. Geographical Topographical and Statistical Bevolutionary His- tory— Organization Civil List Public Schools Church His- tory— Industries 418


Township of Lower Alloways Creek. Geographical Topographical and Statistical— Early Settlementand Original Purchasers Organization Civil List Cemeteries Villages and Hamlets— Hancock's Bridge Harmersville— Can- ton— Public Schools Ecclesiastical— Industrial 421

CHAPTER LXVIII. Township of Lower Penn's Neck. Situation and Boundaries Descriptive Original Purchases and Settlement— Organization— Civil List Villages and Hamlets Pennsville Harrisonville Public Schools— Churches-Ceme- teries— Industrial Pursuits^Fort Delaware and Finn's Point Battery 427


Township of Mannington. Situation and Boundaries Descriptive Settlement and Settlers Organization— Civil List— Industrial— Fertilizer— Villages and Hamlets— Mannington Hill— Welchville—Halltown— Marlboro Claysville Acton Station— Public Schools- The Treadway Murder A Mastodon— Cemeteries— Beligious 433



CHAPTER LXX. Township or Olduan's. page

Geographical— Descriptive and Statistical— Settlement and Settlers Organization Civil List ^Villages and Hamlets Pedricktown Pedricktown Station— Perkintown— Five Points— Industrial— ChurcllHistory— Cemeteries- Societies 442


Township or Pilesgrove. Geographical— Descriptive— Settlement and Settlers— Poll List- Organization and Civil List Public Schools-Industrial— Bor- ough of Woods town Manufacturers Merchants Public-Houses Stages Bailroads— Educational Incorporation First Na- tional Bank of Woodstown Sharptown Yorketown Bichman- ville Societies and Associations Pilesgrove Library Associa-

Hesgrove Dairy Association Churches Burial-Places..., 447

CHAPTER LXXII. Township of Pittsqrove. Geographical Topographical Settlement and Settlers Organiza- nd Civil List Churches Burial-FIaces— Educational Villages and Hamlets Elmer Centreton Palatine Brad- way Willow Grove Industrial ^Lodges and Societies 464

CHAPTER LXXIII. Township of Quinton. Statistical— Geographical and Descriptive Settlement and Settler Organization Civil List Public Schools Qninton's Bridge Churches— Quinton Glass-Works— Cemeteries 471

CHAPTER LXXIV. Township of TJppee Allowats Ceeek. Geographical Topographical and Statistical Original Settlers and Settlements Organization and Civil List Churches Villages and Hamlets Alloway Watson's Corners—Freasburg Stock- ingtown Kerns terville Pontonville Industrial Cemeteries Lodges 476

CHAPTER LXXV. Township of Upper Penn's Neck. Geographical Topographical and Statistical Organization Township Officers Public Schools Churches ^Penn's Grove Village Industrial and Commercial Lodges and Societies 482

CHAPTER LXXVI. Township of Upper Pittbgrove. Situation and Boundaries Topography and Statistics Early Land Purchases and Settlement Civil List Schools Cemeteries Villages and Hamlets Daretown Whig Lane Pole Tavern Monroeville Swing's Corners Ecclesiastical Industrial 490


CHAPTER LXXyil. Description. Streams Marshes Soil and Productions Land Titles




CHAPTER LXXIX. Early Settlers. ' Uncertainty concerning Pioneera— English from Salem— Settlers in Greenwich- Settlers from Wales- From Fairiield, Conn.- From Southampton, L. I. Settlers at Bridgeton Swedes on Maurice Biver 610



Streams and Paths— First Highways— Overseers First Appointed— Eoad from Fairfield to Burlington Other Roads 515


Early History. page

Early Names of Townships First Court Taxes Tavern Licenses —Officers of the Precincts 518


Organization and Boundaries or the Cocktt.

Early Action of the Board of Freeholders Directors of the Board. 622

CHAPTER LXXXIII. County Buildings. Court-House Second Court-House Present Court-House First Jail Second Jail Third Jail County Offices Poor-Honse Present Almshouse 525

CHAPTER LXXXIV. Courts, Judges, and Justices. First Courts Capital Grimes and Executions Judges of the Court

of Common Pleas Justices of the Peace 530

CHAPTER LXXXV. Cumberland County in the Bbvolution. Destruction of Tea at Greenwich Appointment and Action of Committees Extracts from the Journal of Ebenezer Elmer Men from Cumberland in the Army Operations in Delaware Bay 635

CHAPTER LXXXVI. Cumberland Coxtnty in the War of the Bebellion. Early Meetings and Formation of Companies Action of the Board of Freeholders— Action of the Townships— Supplementary List of Soldiers from the County 542

CHAPTER LXXXVII. Bench and Bar. List of Attorneys in the County— Biographical Notices of Judges and Attorneys 646

CHAPTER LXXXVIII. Medical Profession. Biographical Sketches of Physicians— Cumberiand County Medical Society— List of Physicians 655

CHAPTER LXXXIX. Agriculture. Primitive Farming- Improved Methods in Agriculture- Cumber land County Agricultural and Horticultural Society 573


Civil List and Statistics..


CHAPTER XCI. City of Bridgeton. Formation and Boundaries— Eariy History and Growth— Streets- Bridges - Oustom-House - Post-Offioe - Stages - Steamboats- Presa-Banks- Mutual Fire Insurance Company-Gas-Light Company-Water-Works - Mills-City Offices-Manufacturee- Ecolesiastical- Lodges and Societies - Gouldtown - Peraonal Sketches

CHAPTER XCir. City of Millville. Incorporation of the Township-Incorporation of the City-Mill " viUe Laid Out-Pioneer Houses-Eariy Industries-Growth of the Town-Streete-Bridges-Post-Offlces-Stages and Steam boats-Press-Public Schools-Workingmou'a Institute -Na- tional Bank-Fire Insurance Company-Gas-Light Company- Water Company-Officers-City Hall-Ecclesiastical History— Manufactnres-Millville Pond and Water-Power-L,Lno.1«,.. Grist-Mill "ugieys


CHAPTER XCIII. Township of Commercial. page

Incorporation— Description— Settlement— Villages and Hamleta— Mauricetown Bridge Lore's Grist-Mill— Churches 645

CHAPTER XCIV. Township or Deerfield. Organization and Description Villages and Hamlets— Mills Chosen Freeholders- Churches 652

CHAPTER XCV. Township of Downe. Incorporation Soil— Settlement and Growth Villages- Egg Island DiTiding Greek Bridge Mills— Freeholders— Churches.. 658

CHAPTER XCVI. Township of Fairfield. Incorporation Settlement Soil Villages Mills- "Woolen Fac- tory— Freeholders Churches 662


Township of Gbebhwich.

Boundaries Town of Greenwich— Fairs School Lot^-Trade Ferry Greenwlcli in 1883 Hamleta Sheppard's Griat-Mill Freeholders— Churches 680

CHAPTER XCVIII. Township of Hopewell. Boundaries and Description Villages^ Shiloh Roadstown- entown Cohansey Freeholders Churches ,


. CHAPTER XCIX. Township ov Landis and Borouoh or Vineland. Incorporation— Soil Vineland Tract— Town of Vineland Early Purchasers and Pioneer Buildings— Early History Growth Landls-Carruth Tragedy— Fruits Freeholders— Borough of Vineland Borough Oflacers—Post-Office— Press Public Schools Library Association Historical and Antiquarian Society Ag- ricultural and Horticultural Society— Gas-Light Company- Churches Cemeteries Secret Societies National Bank Man- ufactures-Willow Grove— North Vineland South Vineland 703

CHAPTER C. ^ Township of Mavbice River. Original Boundaries and Subsequent Changes Name Settlements Villages and Hamlets- Port Elizabeth Dorchester Leeaburg Heislerville— Ewing's Neck Bucksboro Belle Plain— Mana- muskin Manamuskin Manor— Schooner Landing— ^Freeholders -Churches 715

CHAPTER CI. Township of Stow Greek. Boundaries Soil and Productions— General Features— Jericho- Mills— Freeholders— Ecclesiastical 722



Abbott, C.G 152

Abbott,^amuel 442

^ Acton, B. M... 415

Allen, Ira 310

t^Uen, A. D 149

Allen, S. A 347

Armstrong, R. L 130

Armstrong, R. L,, Jr , 137

Archer, Benjamin 354

Ashcraft, J. H 148

Atkinson, C. P 471

Bacon, IJewis 700

Bacon, William 567

Barber, Henry 489

Barton, George W 463

Bateman, Xlphraim 561

Bateman, Moses 672

Bateman, R. M 568

Batten, J, M 464

Bayard, George D 154

Becket, A. T.... 152

Beesley, T. E 356

Black, D. R 311

Blew, Lehman 623

Bloomfleld, Joseph 547

Bodine, J. P 278

Bond, Levi 557

Bowen, Elijah 556

Bowen, Elijah, Jr 556

Bowen, Jonathan 698

Bowen, Willian\ S 568

Bowen, Joseph A 725

Bradshaw, Henry, Jr 155

Brewster, F.G 560

Brewster, Francis G 623

Brewster, Horatius 558

Brewster, Joseph 558

Brick, Joshua 721

Bright, B.T 628

Brooks, W. E 566

Brunyate, William 649

Buck, Ephraim 564

Buck, Henry, Jr 672

Buck, John 614

Buck, Joseph ; 613

Buck, Roberts 597

Buckingham, Henry .....i; 150

Burchau, Richard 343

Burgin Family, the -. 613

Burgin, John 699

Burt, Nathaniel 0 672

Bntcher, Joseph, Jr 562

Buzby, B. F 150

Carman, O.B 135

Carpenter, T. P 131

Carpenter, William 415

Carter, B.F 128

Champneys, Benjamin 559

Chapman, Thomas 130

Chatham, B. F 147

Chew, M. M 279

Olark, Charles 500



Clark, 0. F 146

Clark, H. C 147

Clarkson, William 558

Clawson, I.D 150

Clawson, I.D 357

ClftWBon, W.S 346

Clymer, R. S 136

Coles, Bartholomew 4^

Compton, Charles 650

Cook, Joseph 357

Coombs, Sumuel 01 626

Cooper, Isaac 152

Cooper, B. M 128

Getting, Elias 614

Cox, Stephen, Sr 631

Crane, T. W 551

Cutter, Frederick 152

Danzenbaker, T. F 702

Dare, Abel S 677

Dare, James 691

Dare, William 625

Davenport, Franklin 129

Davis, Elnathan 699

Davis, Isaac, Jr 144

Davi^i^Burton 651

Davis, John T 702

Davis, Smith 679

Dayton, A. 0 344

Dedrofft,E. E 150

Dick, Samuel 353

Dickeson, A. M. P. V. H 349

Dickeson, T. P 357

Dickinson, I. V 349

Dilks, Andrew 290

Doughty, Elias. 552

Dowdney, S. M 567

Dyer, John.. 556

Eakin, A. L 345

Eastlack, J. C 267

Eastlack, S. A , 267

Egbert, Jacob 566

EUett, H. T : 346

Elmer, Daniel 126

Elmer, Daniel 549

Elmer, Daniel, Jr 573

Elmer, Ebenezer 56I

Elmer, Eli 614

Elmer, George E 579

Elmer, James E 679

Elmer, Jonathan 629

Elmer, Jonathan 559

Elmer, L. Q. C 550

Elmer, Theophilus 673

Elmer, Timothy 673

Elmer, William 551

Erwin, Benjamin i 144

Ewing, Charles 126

Ewing, Maskell 685

Ewing, Thomas 557

Ewing, William B 555

Ferguson, J. B 539

Ferrell, Thomas M 232




Flanagin, James H 628

Flitcraft, Allen 464

Fisher, W. 0 134

Fisler, Benjamin 567

Fisler, Jacob 161

Fialer, J. T 148

Fisler, L. F 666

Fisler, S.F 147

Fitbian, B. B 144

Fitbian, Enoch 568

Fithian, Hosea 662

Fitbian, Joel 685

Fithian, Joel 725

Fitbian, Joseph 145

Fitbian, P. V 686

Fithian, Samuel 685

Fithian, Reuben 725

Fitzhugh, J. E 314

Fort, J. H 137

Foster, J. J 146

Fox, George 666

Fox, Samuel M 666

Freeman, Jonathan 615

Gandy, James G 662

Gardner, D. K 162

Gardner, W. A 161

Garrison, 0. G 150

Garrison, Charles 146

Garrison, J. F 146

Garrison, Joel 657

Garrison, William 566

Gibbon, John 724

Giles, James 651

Gillman, John 147

Gilman, Uriah 150

Glover, Thomas 186

Green, G. G 186

Green, L. M 184

Haines, William 212

Haley, B. F 651

Hall, 6. D 689

Halsey, L. F 146

Halsey, L. M 150

Hampton, I. H 565

Hampton, J. G 552

Hampton, John P 667

Hannah, Charles 355

Hannah, J. M 347

Harker, 0. G 164

Harris, Isaac 354

Harris, Samuel 558

Harris, T. U 592

Harrison, J, B 131

Harrison, Josiah 343

Harsley, Kalph 666

Heisler, Andrew 722

Hepner, Jacob 703

Heritage, J. D 1*9

Heritage, P. S 1*9

Herman, A. V 149

Hewitt, G. H 136

Hitchner, K. M *'l

Hood, Charles 651

Hoover, Francis 146

Horublower, J. 0 126

Howell, B.P 146

Howell, Ebenezer 353

Howell, J. B 154

Howell, Lewis ^^^7

Howell, Richard 648

Hunter, Andrew •'••■■ 686

Hunt, Jacob '^^

Hunt, Reuben 688

Hunt, Thomas B 688

Hunter, Andrew, Jr 686

Hur£f,T.W 291


Iszard, Jacob 152

Iszard, W. H 160

Jackson, Winslow 152

Jetfers, W. N 344

Jerrell, William 626

Jessup, J. S 135

Jessup, West 188

Johnson, James 556

Johnson, J. H 156

Johnson, R. C 358

Johnson, E. G 403

Jones, Thomas 714

Keaabey, A. Q ; 347

Keasbey, K. Q 356

Koasby, J. B 150

Eienzle, Jacob 623

Einsey, James 343

Kirby, J. 0 259

Ladd, W. W 158»-

Laning, Richard 676

Lawrence, John 131

Lawrence, N. 0 674

Lawrence, Samuel 686

Laws, G. C 160

Leak, Samuel 342

Learning, E. B 136

Lee, Thomas 722

Ling, J. W 165

Loper, William F 667

Lord, J. J 296

Ludlam, J. W 564

Lummis, Dayton 144

Lummis, William 144

Macculloch, F. L 346

Matlock, Leamiog 131

Matlock, R. K 131

Maul, Benjamin F 691

McBride, Lewis 631

McCalla, T. H 657

MoOalla, W. H 666

McGeorge, Wallace 152

McKelway, A. J 148

Miller, Charles 690

Miller, S. T 147

Minch, Archibald 700

Minch, Francis B 630

Moore, Alexander 615

More, Azariah f)^9

Moore, James 134

Moore, John P •113

Moore, Jonathan 657

Moore, Samuel 567

Moore, William 134

Morris, John H 416

Mulloid, Isaac W 078

Mulford, David P 629

Musgrave, J. F 152

Newkirk, N. R 565

Nichols, Isaac T 590

Nichols, Robert C 597

Norris, E. C 154

Ogden, Bdo 568

Ogden, John 674

Oliphant, E. T 160

Osborn, J. A 166

Packer, D. J 187

Parker, B. W 664

Parvin, Holmes 566

Parvin, J. B 561

Parker, Joel 127

Parvin, Silas 616

Patterson, Robert 616

Paulding, M. J 160

Peck, Benjamin 567

Peck, T. W 563

Pedrick, J. R 156



Perry, Belmont 1S5

Perry, Samuel 624

Pierson, Azel S58

Pierson, D. C 664

PiersoD, Joseph 1^7

Piers'ou, Joseph 1^6

Porter, B. M 663

Potter, David 616

Potter, James B 626

Potter, Michael 470

Potter, William 617

Potfer, William E 553

Potts, S. G ; 126

Rambo, John. ; 243

Eambo, William 296

Bamsay, William 675

Bead, Charles 618

Beeve, Mark 686

4BeeveB,J. J 564

Beeves, Thomas 161

Eepp, John 232

Eichman, Isaiah W 700

Eoberts, M.H 165

Bobeson, A.. L 83

Boe, J. B 161

Eulon, 0. A 311

Salisbury, Samuel 242

Saunders, T.J 146

Seeley, Ebenezer 619

Seeley, Ephraim 618

Seeley, E. P 549

Sharp, Daniel 630

Sharp, George S '. 2.60

Sharp, John 651

Sharp, John L 644

Sharp, J. S. T 366

Sharp, Lorenzo 701

Sheppard, Daniel M 690

Sheppard, Philip G 692

Sheppard, Bobert 618

Sheppard, Bobert E 678

Sheppard, C. Henry 726

Sheppard, Edward H 727

Shinn, W. J 344

Shivers, Edgar 137

Shoemnker, John « 148

Shute, S. M 669

Shute, William 266

Sickler, J. E 128

Sickler, John E 146

Siokler, Joseph T 134

Sinnickson, Thomas ', 406

Skill, C.W 165

Smith, A. A 148

Smith, Charles P 406

Smith, T.S 347

Smith, Thomas S 349

Sooy, Samuel T 266

Spratt, George 566

Stambach, H. L 152

Stanger.S. E 150

Starr, John 134

Steeling, William 564

Strattam, E. S 136

Strattam, J. H 165

Strattou, Daniel 413

Stratton, Daniel P 620


Stratton, Nathan L 620

Sturdivant, Thomas 670

Swing, Charles 355

Swing, Charles 567

Synott, Martin 151

Synott, Miles 160

Thaokara, Thomas , 127

Thompson, Hedge 355

Thompson, J. S 132

Thompson, E. P 346

Trenchard, Albert ■■.■■ 160

Trenchard, James H 621

Trenchard, John 675

Tuft, John B 356

Turner, B.K 201

Turner, J. D 267

Turner, John C 201

Turner, W. H...., 149

Turner, Joseph 290

Turner, T.B 150

Tyler, John 417

Van Hook, B 666

Van Hook, L 663

Van Meter, Edward 348

Van Meter, James 364

Van Meter, E. H 354

Vanneman, W. S 367

Voorhees, N. W 137

Wales, E. L. B 569

Ward, Samuel 656

Ware, H. B 382

Ware, J. B '. 148

Ware, R. M 133

Watson, H.P 689

Watson, J. M 128

Watson, Samuel 689

Weatherby, I. Hurff 311

Weatherby, J. C 151

Westcott, r. E 552

Westcotl, J. D 622

Westcott, J. D., Jr 552

Westcott, Jehiel 677

Whelpley, E. W 126

Whitacar, Bichard , , 676

Whitaker, Ephraim 076

Whitekar, D. B 632

White, J. M 130

White, John M S50

Whiting, Abijah 343

Whitney, S. A 231

Wiley, Elijah 147

Wiley, George 147

Wilkins, Hiram 291

Wilietts, Reuben 564

Wistar, Caspar 441

Wood, John S 290

Wood, Bichard , 687

Woodhull, G. S 127

Woodruff, C. P... 662

Woodruff, E. D 130

Woodruff, Israel 701

Woodruff, Lewis .'. 657

Woolman, Reuben 470

Tarrow, Thomas 355

Yarrow, T.J 356

Yorke, Thomas Jones , 414



Abbott, Samnel facing 442

Acton, K. M " 416

Allen, Ira " 310

Atkinson, 0. P " 471

Bacon, Lewis between 700, 701

Barber, Henry facing 489

Barton, George W " 463

Batten, J. M " 464

Black, D.B between 310,311

Blew, Lehman facing 624

Bodine, J. F " 278

Bowen, William 8 between 568, 669

Bowen, Josepb A facing 726

Brewster, Francis G " 622

Bright, B. T " 628

Bmnyate, 'William 649

Buck, Eobert S facing 696

Butcher, Joseph, Jr 663

Carpenter, William facing 415

Chew.M. M " 279

Olawson, I. D " 366

Coles, Bartholomew *' 462

Compton, Charles " 660

Cook, Josepb " 367

Coombs, Samuel M between 626, 627

Cox, Stephen, Sr facing 631

Dauzenbaker, T. F between 702, 703

Dare, Abel S " 676, 677

Dare, James 692

Dare, William facing 626

Davidson, J. B between 650, 651

Davis, J. Burton " 650,661

Davi8,John T " 702,703

DaYis,Smith ' " 678,679

Dilks, Andrew " 290, 291

Doughty, Eliae facing 663

Eastlack, J. C between 2B6, 267

Eastlack, S. A facing 267

Elmer, George B " 679

Elmer, James B " 680

Elmer, Jonathan " 629

Ehner, L. Q. 0 " 660

Ewing, William B 665

Ferguson, J. B facing 689

Ferrell, Thomas M " 232

Fithian, Enoch " 568

Fithian, Joseph ' ^46

Fithian, Joel " '24

Fitiiian, Reuben " '26

Fitzhugh, J. E ' " 31*

Flanagin, James H between 628,629

Fox, George ~. " "66, 667

Fox, Samuel M " "66, 667

Gandy, James G 662

Garrison, Joel facing 667

Glover, Thomas between 186, 187

Green, G.G -^;.. '""'"g 188

Green, L.M ^ 18*

Green, L. M., Residence of. " 1*5

Haines, William " 212

Haley, B.F between 650, 651

Hall.G.D '■«<="'e ""*


Harris, Thomas U facing 693

Hepner, Jacob " 703

Heritage, J. D " 149

Hitohner, K. M between 470, 471

Hunt, Beuben " 688, 689

Hunt, Tlioma^ E " 688, 689

HurfT, T. W facing 291

Jerrell, William : " 626

Jessup, West " 188

Johnson, E. 0 " 358

Johnson, R. G " 403

Jones, Thomas '* 714

Kienzle, Jacob " 623

Kirby, J. C " 269

Laning, Richard " 676

Lord, J. J " 295

Lore Homestead 650

Map facing 1

Maul, Benjamin F " 691

McBride, Lewis between 630, 631

Miller, Charles " 690, 691

Miller, S. T facing 147

Miuch, Archibald " 700

Minoh, Francis B 631

Miiich, Francis B., Residence of facing 584

Moore, John P " 413

More, Jonas & More 699

Morris, John H between 416, 417

Mulford, Isaac W " 678,679

Mnsgrave, J. F facing 152

Nichols, Isaac T " oilO

Nichols, Robert C " 597

Old Stone Church 666

Packer, D. J facing 187

Perry, Belmont 136

Perry, Samuel between 624, 625

Potter, James B facing 627

Potter, Michael between 470,471

Potter, William E facing 664

Rambo, John *' 243

Rambo, William " 296

Reeves, J. J " 555

Richman, Isaiah W between 700, 701

Robeson, A. L facing 83

Kulon, C. A " 311

Salisbury, Samuel " 242

Sharp, Daniel " 630

Sharp, George S " 260

Sharp, John " 651

Sharp, Lorenzo " 701

Sheppard, Daniel M between 690,691

gheppard Homestead facing 682

Sheppard, Robert F " 678

Sheppard, C. Henry " 727

Sheppard, Edward