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Tappahannock High School
Tappahannock, Virginia
Let the Word Go Forth
Within your hands you hold a collection of the most cherished moments of 1964-65. In years to come, each one of you will view this annual and recall the events and people comprising this col- lection. Each picture and each word was selected to remind you of moments filled with laugliter, hours filled with knowledge, days filled witli achievement, and months filled with companionship. Time passes quickly. It is impossible to remember each moment. And therefore the Taporapian Staff has tried its best to compile for you these glimpses of yesterday and we hope they will present for you a memorable and valuable view of THS as it was in 1964-65.
Table of Contents
Administration |
7 |
Seniors |
17 |
Classes |
31 |
Grades |
42 |
Organizations |
48 |
Athletics |
62 |
Activities |
76 |
Advertising |
86 |
Annual Staff Faces Challenge of Making 1965 Taporapian the Best
Betty Page Delano
Mary Jane Brizendine
SEATED: Mr. Robertson, Faculty Advisor; Brizendine, Delano, Ware, Clanton. STANDING: French, M. Taliaferro, Motley, Kriete, Lumpkin, Hayes, Spindle, Parson, Eanes, Taliaferro, Beazley, Andrews.
Frances Ware
Saralr Clanton
In the years to come as you open to the pages of your Taporapian, it is the hope of the 1965 annual staff that it will be as if you were reopening lie doors to Tappahannock High School and a past way of life. A way of life filled with deep friendships, impressionable experiences, and great anticipations. The purpose of this annual and the ultimate intention of its staff is to provide each high school student with a valuable hallmark. Hopefully, the work of your Taporapian will be immeasurable, and the memories it provides everlasting. As you turn the pages, may you recall the winning teams, the plays, the classmates, and the teachers. May laughters and sorrows be unrolled in the pages recalling the many happenings.
The annual staff would like to congratulate the Class of '65 and thank them for their contribution to Tappahannock and the Taporapian. May they always have a place in their heart for their school, as they most certainly will have a great part in the tradition at Tappahannock. The remaining students have an obligation, not only to students of the past, but to those of the future, an obligation to uphold the standards and traditions of
In conclusion, the staff wants to wish the students of the present, as well as those of the past, the greatest height of success in en- countering the challenges of tomorrow, and pray that each tackles them with the same vigor, strength, drive, and dedication which makes Tappahannock High a school looked upon with intense pride.
Mr. Woolford, you have been with the faculty only two years, but the help and guidance you have given us can not be measured. You have set an example for all of us to follow. You are devoted to your profession, you have a pleasing disposition, an excellent sense of humor, and you cause the students to feel they are truly in- dividuals by treating them with respect. We feel you are a successful teacher.
You have contributed not only your knowledge of the sciences and mathematics, but also your athletic ability on the basketball court and softball field during tliose unforgettable student -faculty games.
We can not repay you for all the knowledge, rmderstanding, and guidance you have given us. But we can give you this -- the dedication of all that we cherish here at THS.
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Principal’s Message
We wish you every success. Remember nearly everything in life costs you something in effort, time, or money. Be sure you do not pay too high a price for fun, pleasure, popularity or fame, but also be sure you pay high enough price for learning, success, service to one's fellow man or for character. You have shown marked success along this line of development. May you continue to do so.
School Board Passes Federal Aid Bill
Clerk: Mrs. Burnley Kirk; Central District: Mr. Archie Sutton, Chair- man; Rappahannock District: Mr. John Broaddus; Occupacia District: Mr. Spottswocd Taliaferro; and Superintendent: Mr. Eldon W. Chris- topher.
S upe rinte nde nt Mr. Eldon W. Christopher
Composed of representatives elected from each district of the county, the Essex County School Board plays a major role in the operation of Tappahannock High School. The board serves as an advisory council to the superintendent. The members of the board make out the school budget, disburse funds for the buildings and furnishings, and hire and dismiss teachers on the superintendent's recommendation. Diligently the School Board members work to provide us a more efficient school system.
Top Brass at THS
Mr. Henry Burruss Principal
Mr. Howard Robertson Assistant Principal
Mrs. Arnold Motley School Secretary
Mr. Henry Ahston Physical Education Civics
Mrs. Edna Carlton Latin 1,11, Math 8
High School Faculty Gains Three
Mrs. Frances Durham Typing 1,11, Bookkeep- ing, Shorthand
Mrs. Gene Christopher Home Economics 1,11,111, IV, English 8.
Mr. John Kammire English 8,9,10
Mrs. Grace Spindle English 10, 11,12
Mrs. Terry McCloskey Physical Education World Geography
Mr. Howard Robertson Science, Biology
Mr. William Taliaferro World Geography Math 9, Algebra I
Mrs. Lucille Taliaferro Librarian
Mr. Thornton Taylor Vocational Agricultiire
Capt. Philip W inston Algebra I, Math 9
Mr. Sheppard Trewett, Jr. Elementary Music Chorus, Band
Mr. Lei and Wyatt World Geography General Business
Mrs. Agnes Ware French I, II, English 9
Mr. William Woolford, III Algebra II, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Physics, Chemistry
Elementary Teachers Instill a Sense
Mrs. Ina Lane First grade
Mrs. Ann Hutchinson First grade
Mrs. Ruby Doggett Second grade
Mrs. Jean Sisson Second grade
Mrs. Ashby Parker Third grade
Mrs. Dolly Sisson Third grade
Mrs. Lucile Burruss Fourtli grade
Mrs. Sadie Motley Fourth grade
Mrs. Lucy McKinney Fifth grade
of Responsibility and Citizenship in Students
Mrs. Mae Thompson Fifth grade
Mrs. Ruth Little Sixth grade
Mrs. Eleanor Ware Sixth grade
Mrs. Charlotte Gouldin Seventh grade
Mrs. Mae Sutton Seventh grade
Mrs. Mann
Mr. Ware
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Mrs. Grace D. Spindle
Pres. Jack Kirk; Vice Pres, David Taliaferro; Sec., Barabara Passagaluppi; Rep. , Cheryl Carlton; Treas. , Frances Ware; Student Council, Catesby Ware, Tyler Ware, Jerry Elliott.
"SENIOR, " Now isn't that a marvelous word? "S" is for our Superiority complex. After all, we have been here longer than any other students. "E" is for Energetic. You have to admit we seniors are always in the middle of everything. "N" is for our Non-chalant, subtle, casual way of trying to run the school. "1" is for the Indispensable advice we freely give to all underclassmen. "O" is for our Omniscient attitude towards any question which might occur. "R" is for the Ridiculous manner in which we behave.
We have just discovered the ecstasy of being able to "direct" the 8th graders and elementary students.
We have grown above the heads of our teachers, with the exception of Mr. Gladding, of course, and we continually have told the underclassmen that we are perfect in each respect. In fact, we have said this so often that we nearly believe it ourselves.
Our world is a unique world. It is a world that only a senior could know. For it is the last year, and each senior intends to make it his best. At the beginning of the year, each senior works to obtain a high grade for the first semester. This is done to help build a feeling of security and to show the college that the student is capable of doing college work and should be accepted. By March the seniors who have not heard from their college have become nervous wrecks. Of course during this nerve -shattering experience the underclassmen offered their words of encouragement. By April the seniors have dispensed with their tranquilizers and are back to "normal. " At this stage of the game, each senior attemps to learn just how much he can get away with, to obtain the best possible grades with the least possible work, to make the lives of the underclassmen absolutely unbearable, to drive the teachers insane, and to make the Class of '65 an unforgettable one.
But when the year is over, we will exchange- our "Senior" title for that of "Graduate. " We will exchange our title but will never exchange our feeling of friendship for the students of THS and our feeling of respect for the teachers who have given us their all.
Leslie Allen Akers "Leslie"
Safety Patrol 1,2 D, E, 3; Track 3; Dramatics 5.
June 10, 1965 Brings to a Close 5 Years of
Gary Linwood Barrett "Gary"
SCA 1,2, 3,4, 5; 4-H 1,2; Safety Patrol 1,2,
William Edward B alders on "Billy"
FFA 1,2, 3, 4, Sec. 4 -- Pres. 3, Star Green Hand 1, Star Chapt. Farmer 2, State Farmer 4, State Rep. 2, 3, 4; Safety Patrol 1, 2;
J. V. Basketball 3, Varsity Basket- ball 5; SCA Comm. Ch. 4; Band 1.
Phyllis Anne Bareford "Phyllis"
NHS 4, 5; Cheering Sqd. 2, 3, 4, 5; St. Council 2, 5; SCA Treas 5; SCA Comm. 3,4Dist. Conv. 5; Cl. Sec. 4; Le Cercle Francais 5; Pep Club 2,3; FHA 1; Softball Manager 2; Essay contest Hon. Meat. 3; Girls' State Alternate; Foreign Forum 2.
Gene Aubry Baughan "Gene"
FFA 1,2, 3,4, 5; Fed. Sec, 3; Chapt. Tres 3; Fed. Rep. 4; Chapt. Pres. 4; State Farmer 4; Star Chapt, Farmer 4; State Con- vention Representative 1 , 2, 3, 4; Best Records 3,4.
Wythe Davis Bowe, III "Petesie"
Safety Patrol 1, 5; Forensics 4, 5; Debate 5; Dramatics 5; Baseball Mgr. 3; Basketball Mgr 4; Cl. Comm. 5; 4-H; SCA 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5.
Nancy Faye Andrews "Nancy"
SCA Comm. 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5; Sec. Chm. 5; St. Cl. 2, 5; NHS 4, 5; Foreign Forum 1; Cheering Squad 3,4,5; Co-capt. 5; FHA 1; Soft- ball 1,2, 3,4; J.V, Basketball 1; V. Basketball 2; Le Circle Fran- cais 5; Pres 5; Pep Club 2,3; Cl. Treas. 1; Essay Cent. Hon. Ment 3; 2nd Place 5; Annual Staff 5; Track 4; Foremics.
Linda June Bush "Linda"
FHA 1; Safety Patrol 3; 4-H Re- porter 4; Student Council 5; Warriors Post 4; Library Comm. Co-Ch. 3,4; Le Circle Francais 5, Correspondent Sec. , Lunch- room Ch. 5; SCA 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5; Dramatics 5; Class Committees.
Joys, Tears, Work, Play, Rummage Sales
Sarah Anne Clanton "Sarah"
St. Cl. 1,2, 3,4, 5; SCA Sec. 5; Cl. Sec. 2; Cl. Treas. 3; Cheer- leader 2, 3, 4, 5; Capt. 4, Co- Capt. 5; Foreign Forum 1; Girls' State 4; Honor Society 4, 5; SCA St. Conv; Annual Staff 2, 3,4, 5; Bus. Manager 5; JV Basketball 1; Basketball 2; FFIA 1; Dist. SCA; Le Circle Francais 5; SCA Com- mittee Chairman 3,4.
Mary June Buie "June"
Dramatic Club 2,3; Spanish Club 2; Pep Club 3,4; Drill Team 3,4; Glee Glub 3,4; Yearbook 4, 5; Social Comm. 4; Newspaper 4; transferred from Kelfavich, Ice- land.
James Temple Brizendine "Jimmy"
Football 2,3,4, 5; Band 1,2,3; 4-H 1,2, 3, 4, President 4; FF A 3,4,5, Presidents.
Cheryl Wilma Carlton "Cheryl"
Pep Club 2, 3; Class Reporter 3, 5; Basketball Manager 4; Student Council 4, 5; National Honor So- ciety 4, 5; Latin Tournament 3; SCA Comm. Ch. 5; Dramatics 5; Le Circle Francais 5; Essay Contest
3.4, Honorable Mention; Betty Crocker Homemaker 5; National Merit Scholarship 3, 4; SCA 2, 3,
John Corbin Christopher "John"
Cl. Treas. 1; Cl. Pres. 3; St. Coimcil 2,4, Pres. 5; Le Circle Francais 5; Football 2 , 3, 4, 5; Co- Capt. 5; Baseball 2, 3, 4, 5, Co- Capt. 5, Boys' State 4; Foreign Forum 5; SCA Pres. 5; Honor Council 5; Track 1.
Ellen Elizabeth Charnock "Ellen"
National Honor Society 4, 5; Cheer- leader 2, 3, 4, 5; Pep Club 2, 3;
Class Reporter 4; Softball Manager 2; Student Council 5; SCA Comm. Ch. 5; SCA Comm. 3; Le Circle Francais 5, FHA 1 , SCA 1,2, 3, 4,
5; Dramatics 5; Chorus 1; Nat.
Merit Scholarship 4.
James Holland Davis "Mickey"
Football 1 , 2, 3, 4, Co-Capt. 4; JV Basketball 3; DE 4; Track 3, 4; SCA 1,2, 3, 4, 5.
Carroll Elbourn "Carroll"
Football 2, 3, 4, 5; Track 4, 5; SCA 1,2, 3, 4, 5.
Betty Page Delano "Betty"
Pep Club 2,3; St. Council 1,2,3,
4; SCA Comm. Ch. 4, Comm.
1,2, 3, 4, 5; Le Circle Francais 5;
Cl. Sec. 3; National Honor Society 4,5, Sec. 5; Softball 2,3,4; FHA 1; Foreign Forum 2; Girls' State 4; Band 1 , 2; Cheerleader 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, Co-Capt. 3; Annual St. 4, 5,
Asso. Editor 4, Editor 5; Forensics; Dfamatics 5.
Martha Elizabeth Echo "Martha"
Chorus 1,3,4; FHA 1,2, 3,4;
Safety Patrol 1 , 3,4, 5; 4-H 1,2, 3,4; Library Comm. 5; FHA Song- leader 1,3; SCA 1,2, 3, 4, 5.
Jerry Dale Elliott "Jerry"
Baseball 3,4, 5; Football 4; Sarg. at Arms 4; St. Council 4, 5; SCA Comm. 5; State Creative Writing Winner 4; SCA 1,2, 3, 4, 5.
Barbara Jean Eanes "BJ"
FHA 1; Annual St. 3,4, 5; Sr. Cl. Ed. 5; Basketball 3,4, 5; Softball 4, 5; SCA Reporter 5; Le Circle Francais 5; St. Coimcil 5; SCA comm. 3; Dramatics 5; Dist. SCA 5; Chorus 3,4,5; Essay Contest Honorable Mention 5; Softball Co- capt. 5.
John Robert Elliott, Jr. "Jimmy"
FFA3,4,5, Vice Pres. 5; Foot- ball 3,4, 5; SCA 1,2, 3,4, 5.
Faye Carol Emery "Faye"
FHA1,2, Fed. Historian 2; 4-H 1,2, 3, 4, 5, Sec. and Treas. 1; Reporter 2, Sec. 3, Vice-Pres. 4; Reporter 5; Safety Patrol 2, 3,4, 5; Lent. 5; Chorus 4, 5.
Nancy Louise Haile "Nancy"
FHA 1,2, 3,4; Chorus 2,4; 4-H 1, 2,3,4; FHA Parliamentarian 2; Safety Patrol 3.
John Malcolm Evans "Johnny"
SC A 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5; Groimd Commit- tee .
Margaret Ann Fogg "Margaret"
FHA 1, 3, Parliamentarian 4, Chap. Pres. & Fed. Vice-Pres. State Conv. ; 4-H 1,2, Sec. & Treas. 3, Vice-Pres. 4; Safety Patrol -- Sgt. 4, Lt. 5; DECA 4, Rept. & Pub. Ch. ; Chorus 2, 4; Basketball 3, 4, 5, mgr.; Softball 2,4; Student Council 5, Rep. 1; Dramatics 5.
David Jonatlian Hand "David"
Student Council 1,2; Cl. Pres. 3; Basketball 1,2; Bowling team 3; Art Director 3,4; Transfer 5.
John Randolph Ferry "Ranny"
Basketball mgr. 1; Basketball JV 1, Co-Capt. 5; Football 2, 3, 4, 5, Co-Capt. 5; Baseball mgr. 1; Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4, 5; Track 2,3,5; Ch. Athletic Comm. 3,5; Student Council 3, 4, 5; Pep Club 2, 3; Honor Society 4, 5, Treas. 5; Cl. Vice-Pres. 3; Cl. Pres. 4;
Le Circle Francais 5, Co-Ch. 5; Dist. SC A Rep. 4; Forensics 3, 4, 5, Pub. Sp. State 3rd & 4th pi. winner; Chorus 1 .
Forensics, Speeches, Plays, Rings and Proms
Nettie Jean Hayes "Nettie"
JV Basketball 1; Varsity 2; SC A 1, 2,3,4, 5; FHA 1; Warriors Post 4; Annual Staff 5; Library Comm. 4, 5, Reporter 4; DECA 4.
But Opens the Door to Fond Remem- brances
Gene Stephen McMahan "Gene"
Band 1,2; Track 2, 3, 4; Football
3. 4, 5; Bus Driver 5; SGA 1,2,3,
Linda Elizabeth Lumpkin "Linda"
FHA 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5; Historian 3; News- paper Staff 4; National Honor So- ciety 4, 5; Dramatics 5; SGA Gomm. 5; Annual Staff 4, 5; SGA 1,2, 3,4, 5.
John William Kirk "Jack"
Football 2, 3, 4, 5; Cl. Vice-Pres. 2; Band 1,2,3; 4-H 1,2,3; Boys' State 4; Debating 4; Dramatics 4; Cl. Treas. 4; SGA 1,2, 3, 4, 5; Student Coimcil 1,2, 3,4, 5; Base- ball 4, 5; National Honor Society
4, 5; Vice-Pres. 5; Tri-Captain 5; SGA Comm. Co-Ch. 5; Cl. Pres.
Edna Arlene Luttrell "Arlene"
FHA 1; Library 1; Basketball 2,3, 4, 5, Co-Capt. ; Softball 2,3,4, 5, Co-Capt. ; DEC A 4, Sec.; Ch. Athletic Comm. 5; Student Coun- cil 5; Warriors Post. 4.
Catherine Ann Neale "Cathy"
HomeroomV.P. 1,2;GAA2; Camp 4; Kappa Service Club 3,4, 5; Pep Club 4; FHA 5.
Robert Llewellyn Johnson "Robert"
4-H; Student Council; Safety Patrol 1, 2, 4, 5, Capt. 5; Football
4, 5; Chorus 3,4, 5; Debate Team
Cynthia Karen Parson "Cindy"
Basketball 2, 3; Tri Hi Y 3; Safety Patrol, Sec. 3,4; Warriors Post 4; Ch. Library Comm. 4; Student Council 4; Annual Staff 4; Home- coming Princess 4; 4-H 4.
David Wayne Passagaluppi "David Wayne"
Basketball 4, 5; SC A 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5; Track 5; Le Circle Francais 5; Warriors Post Staff 4.
Barbara Joan Passagaluppi "Barbara"
Cheerleader 1,2,3; SC A Comm.
2; DECA Dist. Contest 1st pi. ; DECA State Contest 2nd pi. 4;
FHA 1; 4-H 1; Pep Club 3; Softball 3; Chorros 1,2,3; Safety Patrol,
Lt. 3,4; Class Secretary 5.
Bruce Alyan Rutledge "Bruce"
Transferred from Moline, Illinois; Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Basketball 2, 5; Wrestling 3; Chorus 1,2; Football
Of Never To Be Forgotten Friends and Teachers
Dorothy Jean Schools "Dotty"
FHA 1; Chorus 1; SCA 1 , 2, 3,4, 5; Safety Patrol 3; DECA 4.
David Andrew Taliaferro "David"
Class Pres. 1, Vice-Pres. 5; Foot- ball 3, 4, 5; Baseball 3,4, 5; Mgr.
1; Basketball 5; JV 3,4; Annual Staff 3,4,5; 4-H 1,2, 3, 4, 5; Avl. Star 5; Debating 4; Dramatics 4; Band 2,3; Chorus 3; Student Coun- cil 4, 5; National Honor Society 4, 5; School Winner -- National Mathematics Asso. Contest 4, 5; Rep. to Dist. SCA Executive Comm. 4; Foreign Forum 2; SCA Comm. Ch. 4, 5; SCA 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5; Conservation Essay Honorable Mention 3; Farm Bureau Essay Contest -- 3rd pi. 4.
Betty Lou Taylor "Betty Lou"
FHA 1, 5; Treas. 5; Safety Patrol 2,3; Warriors Post 4.
William Harvey Thompson "WiUie"
Basketball 3,4, 5; Football 1,2; MGR. & Tr. 3,4; Baseball Mgr. & tr. 1,2,3; Dramatics 5; Le Circle Francais.
James Catesby Ware, III "Catesby"
SC A 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Band 1,2,3; Track 2,3,4, 5; Pep Club 3; Bas- ketball 3, 4, 5; Dramatics 4, 5; Student Council 5; SCA Comms; Le Circle Francais.
Frances Faulconer Ware "Frances"
FHA1,5; Class Vice-Pres. 1,4; SCA Welfare Comm. 1; Honor Council 1,2, 3, 4, 5; Basketball JV 1 , Varsity 2,3,4, 5; Co-Capt. 5; Foreign Forum 1,2; Class reporter 2; Annual Staff 2,3,4, 5; Asst. Ed. 3,4,5; Ch. SCA Ways and Means Comm. 3; Student Cormcil 3,4, 5; Ch. SCA Social Comm. 4; Co-Ch. SCA Home- coming Comm. 4; Honor Society 4, 5, Pres. 5; Pep Club 2, 3; Warriors Post 4; Class Treas. 5; Le Circle Francais 3,4; Dramat- ics 4, 5; Girls' State 4.
and Hopes of Bigger and Better Things To Come
Robert Tyler Ware "Tyler"
Football 2,3; Basketball Manager 3; DECA 4; Student Council 5; Dramatics 5.
Alfred Roosevelt Watts, Jr. "Junior"
Cl. Pres. 2; Dist. SCA Conven- tion 3, 5; SCA Workshop 4; Le Circle Francais 4, 5; Football 3, 5; Basketball 3,4, 5; Baseball 2,3, 4,5; Pep Club 3,4; SCA Vice- Pres. 5; Student Council Vice- Pres. 5; Honor Council Pres. 5; SCA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; SCA Comm. Ch. 5; SCA Comms. 3,5.
Stephen Louis Winder "Steve"
4-H 1; Football 3; FFA Star Greenhand 4; Building and Groimds Comm. SCA 4; Student Council 5; 8th Grade Advisor; FFA Secretary 5.
Last Will and Testament
Leslie Akers leaves still denouncing the Safeway.
Nancy Andrews leaves good "Will" to all MEN!
Billy Balderson leaves his love for government to the class of '66.
Phyllis Bareford leaves her spelling ability to Archie Sutton.
Gary Barrett leaves the stockyard to some other adventuresome youth.
Gene Baughan leaves his slow, southern drawl to Glen Prestridge.
Wythe Bowe leaves the teachers to run their classes unassisted next year.
June Buie leaves her neat appearance to anyone who needs it.
Jimmy Brizendine leaves for Maryland.
Linda Bush leaves her quiet nature to Will Shelhorse.
Gheryl Carlton leaves her new pocketbook so that other girls can administer blows to the heads of THS boys.
Ellen Charnock leaves her cast to any other cheerleader who might need it.
John Christopher leaves his bashful blush to Peel Dillard.
Sarah Clanton leaves still towering over the heads of Linda Hicks and Pearl Allen. Mickey Davis leaves still wondering who first called him "Mouse. "
Betty Delano leaves her pep and energy to Mr. Burruss.
Barbara Eanes leaves her ability to write to Paulette Spindle.
Martha Echo leaves her "beloved" copy of MASTERS OF DECEIT to Mr. Gladding. Carroll Elbourne leaves someone else to welcome all the new transfer girls to THS.
Jerry Elliott leaves his bachelor ways to Richard Balderson.
Jimmy Elliott leaves the football team 220 pounds lighter.
Faye Emery leaves the office to next year's student secretary.
Johnny Evans leaves his ability to take government notes to Vaughan Atkins.
Ranny Ferry leaves his "Woody Woodpecker" laugh to Mary Jane Brizendine.
Margaret Fogg leaves holding the record for sprained ankles.
Nancy Haile leaves her abundant supply of life savers to Betty Mae Crowe.
David Hand leaves his yankee accent to Mrs. Spindle.
Nettie Hayes leaves with an attitude of "grin and Barrett. "
Robert Johnson leaves his curls to Peyton Barton.
Jack leaves 2/5 of his football towel to Tommy Chinault but takes 3/5 with him.
Linda Lumpkin leaves her seriousness of purpose to Tommy Atkins.
Arlene Luttrell leaves Mrs. Durham and the entire bookkeeping class in well-deserved peace.
Gene McMahan leaves bus 41 to anyone who will have it.
Kathy Neal leaves taking her VW and putting THS boys back on the streets again.
Cindy Parson leaves all the mud-shankers to Nancy Hammond.
Barbara Passagaluppi leaves but THS will never be the same without her.
David Passagaluppi leaves his half-court shot to Bobby Durham.
Bruce Rutledge leaves after being indoctrinated in the greatness of the South.
Dottie Schools leaves still talking about the new car she intends to buy.
David Taliaferro leaves with the word "farmer" resounding in his ears.
Betty Lou Taylor leaves her ability to play volleyball to Beth Durham.
William Thompson leaves his red hair to Faye Delano.
Catesby Ware leaves his 6'4" to Drew Taliaferro.
Frances Ware leaves a word of sympathy to all of next year's class treasurers.
Tyler Ware leaves his ability to cut up in class to Anne Beazley.
Junior Watts leaves for the University of Richmond, or is it Westhampton???
Steve Winder leaves without a "Pat" on his shoulder.
Most School Spirit Betty Page & Billy
Most Comical B. J. & Mickey
Best Dancers Nancy & John
Biggest Flirts Cindy & Junior
Friendliest Barbara & Gene
Neatest June & Steve
Best All Around Sarah & Jack
Most Energetic Cheryl & William
Most Co-operative Linda & Catesby
Watch it Mrs. Spindle! Mrs. Durham's trying to see your cards I
Boy, what a weekend this has been!
"Peek-a-boo! "
Dig that crazy pose!
"Gary, I didn't mean it, honest "Haile, you cheated me ! "
I didn't"
Gene's twelfth perfect attend- ance certificate. Jimmy, the award winner.
Oh, the nerve! He laughed at my sunglasses !
Old "Twinkle-toes" Ferry!
Wouldn't you know it? Arlene bought a balloon.
Anyone for a game of "Old Maids?"
If only Mrs. Spindle were here!
Ellen's playing Poker?
And Mrs. Mac. thought we had forgotten her !
Ranny's collecting another award.
Now where is he? He said The farmer(s) ? in the dell Five more hours here? I'll
he'd meet me here at five. never make it!
Hey Kirk, what'd you spill on my sleeve this time?
See those specks? They're people.
1 v
Sponsors, Mrs. McCloskey, Mr. Gladding.
President, Richard Balderson; Vice Pres. , Marshal Haney; Sec. , Linda Owens; Treas. , Mary Jane Brizendine; Reporter, Paulette Spindle; St. Council, Peel Dillard, Patricia Balderson.
Class of ’66
Sally Akers Vaughan Atkins Patricia Balderson
Balderson Peyton Barton Ann Beazley Jimmy Beazley Leslie Beazley
Mary Jane Brizendine Patsy Kay Burch
James Clanton Betty Mae Crowe
Eugene Davis
George Dunn Johnny Fogg Nancy
Hammond Marshall Haney Linda Harper
Billy Healy Ann Hite Rodger Hodges Larkin Hundley Ellis Loving
Carolyn Lumpkin Linda Lee Minor
Linda L. Minor Bland L. Motley Joe Mundie
Linda Owens Edward Parrish Linda
Shearwood William Shelhorse Paulette Spindle
Kenneth Stevens Jeanette Walker Bobby W arton Stan Williams Jo Carole Winder
Pres: Peggy Kriete Vice Pres: Mickey Taylor Secretary: Frances Fogg Treasurer: Linda Hicks Reporter: Marguerite Taliaferro
Representatives: Arlene Allen Bonnie Johnson
Class of ’67
Arlene Allen Tommy Atkins Beth Baird Janet Balderson
Betty Lou Bareford Lawrence Bush Scott Charnock Tommy Chinault Jo Anne Connellee
Ronnie Covert Pat Davis Phyllis Davis Carolyn Downer Pat Emery
Frances Fogg P. A. Frank Earnest Greggs Betsy Haile Brenda Haile
Andrew Hammond Bobby Hammond Carrie Harper Linda Hicks Frank Hundley
Bonnie Johnson Woody Johnson Peggy Kriete William Lee Larry Lennon
Alice Loving Patty Minor Latane Moore Lloyd Mundie Carolyn Overstreet
Barbara Owens Brian Parker Dickie Parr Ronnie Passagaluppi Mike Peel
Pat Peel Glen Prestridge Betty Rennolds Richard Rennolds Larry Rose
Judy Shipp
Marguerite Taliaferro Dickie T aylor Mary Jane Taylor Mickie Taylor
President, Ed. Kirk; Vice -Pres. , John Hopkins; Sec., Kitty Ham- mond; Treas. , Jenny Lou Carpenter; Rep. , Martha Wachsmuth; St. Council, Becky Beazley, Ella Dunn, and Archie Sutton.
Class of ’68
Mary Akers Pearl Allen Judy Andrews Cathy Bareford Donald Bareford
Becky Beazley John Beazley Carolyn Blanton Isabelle Bowe Linda Bradley
Gerry Brizendine Carroll Brown Henry Burruss Jenny Carpenter Mary Clanton
Glenwood Clarke Robert Crowe Bobby Davis Clinton Davis Franklin Davis
James Davis Linda Davis Nancy Davis Reid Davis Ella Dunn
Bobby Durham Becky Elliot Bonnie Elliot Henry Ferry Nancy Greggs
Alice Guerrant Gretchen Guerrant Jimmy Guess Kitty Hammond Robert Harmon
Jean Hayes Ruth Hayes Theresa Hilton Henry Hodges John Hopkins
William Jenkins Ed Kirk Beulah Loving Johnnie Loving Kathy Lumpkin
Judy Moody Barbara Moore Hannah Nettles
Tommy Prince Mike Rutledge Charles Schools Roger Schools Frankie Schools
Jean Shearwood Alfred Spindle Brenda Stalnaker Archie Sutton Richard Taylor
Jeff O'Dell Charles Overstreet Barbara Parr Sara Parrish
Robert Taylor Rose Taylor Gouldin Tignor Robert Tignor Charles Trevillian
Dorothy Turner Martha Wachsmuth John Watson Nancy Watson Jimmy' Williams
Pres. , Bill Lewis; Vice Pres. , Billy French; Sec. , Beth Durham;
Treas. , Nancy DeShazo; Reporter, Glen Ransome; St. Council, Peter Ware.
Class of ’69
Dorothy Barrett Jerry Brightwell Edna Brizendine Melanie Broaddus Jane Brookes
William Brookes Shirley Burch Betty Carlton Peggy Carlton Wade Carlton
Calvin Carter Franklin Chenault Jean Clark Dennis Cornell Linda Crowe
Reed Daw Connie Dawson Bobby Delano Nancy DeShazo Kim Dickinson
Mary Dishman Beth Durham Jane Durham Roger Dunn Barbara Elliott
Thelma Fields Joe Frank Billy French Marion Gallagher Billy Gardener
Dottie Gardener Bill Garrett Betty Gerskey Sally Haile Dorothy Hammond
Margaret Harmon Brenda Harper Kitty Hayes James Hayes John Hayes
Fred Hillyer Eugene Hodges Henry Hundley Frances Jones Lois Johnson
Steve Daniel Johnny Davis Kenneth Davis Temple Davis
Mike Larew Bill Lewis Ellen Lewis Charles Linthicum lila Linthicum
Donald Loving Mary Loving Sandra Luttrell Andrew Martin Susan Medlin
Wayne Medlin Johnny Minor Ellen Motley Hilda Nettles Robert Nettles
James Norris Glenn Ransone Mary Rathje Joe Robertson June Robinson
Marjorie Robinson Shirley Robinson Barbara Schools John Sill Dennis Smith
Elaine Smith Drew Taliaferro Carolyn Taylor Elwood Tignor Carl Thompson
Mary Ware Peter Ware Lynn Watson Mike Williams Peggy Wright
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Mrs. Ann Hutchinson First Grade
Mrs. Ina Lane First Grade
Mrs. Ruby Doggett Second Grade
Mrs. Jean Sisson Second Grade
Mrs. Lucile' Burruss Fourth Grade
Mrs. Sadie Motley Fourth Grade
Mrs. Lucy McKinney Fiftlr Grade
Mrs. Dolly Sisson Third Grade
Mrs. Ashby Parker Third Grade
Mrs. Mae Thompson Fifth Grade
Mrs. Ruth Little Sixth Grade
Mrs. Eleanor Ware Sixth Grade
Mrs. Charlotte Gouldin Seventh Grade
Mrs. Mae Sutton Seventh Grade
Celia Lennon Glenda Wilkerson Bonnie Gouldin Wright Ferry Bill Watts
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Reporter
The Junior S.C.A. Trains
Future Leaders
The Junior Student Cooperative Association endeavors to provide training in leader- ship and to give its young people the chance to take part in the affairs of the school and the community. The objectives are accomplished through the efforts of its officers, its committees, the chairman of which are:
Jane Baylor Jeanne Sparrow Joe Gilchrist Roxanne Brooks Sandra Johnson Mary H. Burrough Tommy Blackwell
Health and Welfare
and its members, the students in grade four through seven.
Candid Shots at THS
Oh, my dishpan hands!
And if they don't behave, knock them in the head with this gavel!
Ah, some more interesting speci- mens!
Homecoming prin- cesses and their es- corts.
Deep Subject?
Football players disguised as folk singers.
John always was a deep thinker.
Klinks serenades for FHA square dance.
Senior Miss Americas.
Complications of an operation.
I would rather trust a hungry fox!
Watch it, boys, here comes Mr. Robertson!
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Sponsor, Mr. Gladding; Treasurer, Phyllis Bareford; Vice-President, Junior Watts; President, John Christopher; Secretary, Sarah Clanton; Reporter, Barbara Jean Eanes.
Homecoming, Turn-About Day Highlight SC A
The students of Tappahannock Higlr School are proud of their opportunity to choose the officers of their government -- The Student Cooperative Association. These five students represented tlie Executive Com- mittee for the 1964-65 term. As previous officers have done, they realized their goals and immediately began to work toward achieving tliem and making the 1964-65 SCA the best yet!
The Executive Committee wanted everyone to feel he was actually a part of his government and to be- come aware of the benefits of a working SCA. Some outstanding projects this year were the Honor Card, the Card Dance, Turn-about Day, Mock Elections, Rat Week, and the Homecoming weekend.
Mr. Gladding, our sponsor, offered a great deal of help on dances and other activities. His driving for perfection exerted much influence on the organization. For his humor and willingness, the officers of the 1964-65 SCA would like to take this opportunity to thank him.
Following the tradition of former officers, the leaders of the 1964-65 Student Cooperative Association have tried to make the Tappahannock High School student government the most effective yet!
"Chrisie" -- our president.
Our new president?
"Stars of the Gridiron"
Homecoming -- our befuddled sponsor and wife.
S.C.A. float wins Second place in Homecoming Parade !
What a job!
Twins sing for their candidate .
Steve --a typing teacher? Oh, it's Turn- about Day!
Student Council Plans for Coke Machine as
SEATED: Sponsor, Mr. Gladding; Bareford, Watts, President, Christopher; Secretary, Clanton; Eanes. STANDING: Dunn, Kriete, Andrews, B. Johnson, R. Johnson, Charnock, Beazley, Fogg, T. Ware, M. Taliaferro, Owens, Bush, Allen, Crowe, F. Ware, Carlton, Durham, Delano, Sutton, Kirk, Ferry, Baughan, Dillard, Thompson, C. Ware, D. Taliaferro, P. Ware.
Honor Council Distributes New Honor Cards
SEATED: Williams, Wachsmuth, Chairman, Watts; Ware, Motley, Christopher, Sponsor, Mr. Gladding; Rose.
Delegates Attend First NHS Convention
The National Honor Society was formed to recognize high school students who have displayed high qualities of character, scholarship, leadership, and service. Its purpose is to promote these qualities throughout the school and community.
This year, delegates from Tappahannock High School attended the first NHS convention for this area. Un- fortunately, it was too late to put into practice many of the ideas which they got there. However, if, next year, they follow these suggestions, the Honor Society should be a much more active organization at THS. The future goal of ouj National Honor Society is not to be solely an honor organization, but to strive to become a more helpful working body in the school.
Historians, Poets, Authors, Columnists Constitute Warriors’ Post
Le Cerfle Francais Entertains Attache of French Embassy
THS Twirlers
Connie Dawson, Dorothy Hammond, Faye Delano, Pete Fogg, Ann Hite,
Linda Crowe, and Jane Brooks.
Band Captures Excellent Rating at District Festival
Although many members of our band are young, they have tried to learn and master the fimdamentals of music. Mr. Trewett has been an able leader and has accomplished much in the way of establishing a really good band. Let's hope that the bands in the future will be as well organized and strong as this one.
Director: Mr. Trewett
Chorus Provides Musical Harmony
This year the chorus, under the direction of Mr. John Sheppard Trevette has been one of the most outstanding that Tappahannock High School has ever had. Throughout the entire school year, it has given many enjoyable concerts. With the superb direc- tion and a variation of songs to sing, the chorus has made singing more entertaining. Because of this our chorus has been a great asset and help to our school and community.
While Director Leads
Entire Club Attends Fall Rally At Washington and Lee High School.
Member Serves as President of Federation
The new officers
Hard at v/ork on the club scrapbook.
Margaret Fogg President of Northern Neck Federation
Other FHA Headlines
Federation Donates Gifts to Childrens' Ward at Tidewater Memorial
Oriental Exhibit of Art And Flower Arrangements FFA and FHA Mother-Daughter and Father-Son Banquet
Homecoming Parade has FHA Float
Northern Neck Federation Officers Go On the Air During National FHA Week in April Election of Officers
Club Sends Two Delegates to Convention Square Dance in November Flower Show in May
Left: Ann Lee Hite, former Federation officer and Margeret Fogg, new Federation president.
Taking piilse and temperature.
Assembly Program for the National FHA Week in April.
Refinishing furniture.
FHA'ers take their teaching seriously.
FIRST ROW: Mr. Taylor, Fogg, Winder, Brizendine, Elliot, Atkins, Parr. SECOND ROW: China